Friday, November 30, 2012
The Voice 3
Sape layan voice 3? akkuuu suukkkee this season, semua contestants were very good..marvellous!
diorang ni kalau nyanyi bersungguh2 betul and they really passionate about it. padahal umur diorang baru 17 la..muda2 lagi.
sekarang dah tinggal top 8, AXN tunjuk a week lambat kan so nanti yg kene eliminate ialah Sylvia Yacoub and Brian Keith. ok i puas hati...
rally jatuh chinta dengan suara Nicholas David. lantak lah dia tua ke, x lawa ke...but his voice are amazing..seddap je dengar. aku suke. Amanda Brown pun bagus jugak. Trevin Hunte he is 17 u know..!suara dia sngat jujur, bila dengar mcm dia nyanyi seikhlas ikhlas nye lah. Dev Duron tu boleh pergi lah sebab dia chommel,ramai lah pompuan2 ala justin bieber tu yg suke dia.
okalah bye nanti kite sambung ye...
diorang ni kalau nyanyi bersungguh2 betul and they really passionate about it. padahal umur diorang baru 17 la..muda2 lagi.
sekarang dah tinggal top 8, AXN tunjuk a week lambat kan so nanti yg kene eliminate ialah Sylvia Yacoub and Brian Keith. ok i puas hati...
rally jatuh chinta dengan suara Nicholas David. lantak lah dia tua ke, x lawa ke...but his voice are amazing..seddap je dengar. aku suke. Amanda Brown pun bagus jugak. Trevin Hunte he is 17 u know..!suara dia sngat jujur, bila dengar mcm dia nyanyi seikhlas ikhlas nye lah. Dev Duron tu boleh pergi lah sebab dia chommel,ramai lah pompuan2 ala justin bieber tu yg suke dia.
okalah bye nanti kite sambung ye...

WAAAHHHHHHHH semalam nye episod bikin wanita 1 Malaysia meroyan dgn Adam Mukhriz...! tah berapa kali la En Hazly ulang tayang kat Astro Pvr tu ye??HAHAHHAHA aku ingat smalam sempat lah kenduri tu ,rupenya kena tunggu senin plak...uiishh tik tok tik tok
AAABBBANNNGGGG lllaaaa smalam, bergenang air mata AA...ffuuhhh luluh jantung la.
ni malam tadi.....
sesi meluah perasaan...
nangis2 diorang ...
ini episod next week...the kenduri event...
ini episod next week kot...siap ade sanding2 la..kalau x silap dalam novel x de .
lagu haru nie...hahahahha
AAABBBANNNGGGG lllaaaa smalam, bergenang air mata AA...ffuuhhh luluh jantung la.
ni malam tadi.....
sesi meluah perasaan...
nangis2 diorang ...
ini episod next week...the kenduri event...

lagu haru nie...hahahahha

Thursday, November 29, 2012
Sape follow drama nie....mesti ramai wanita yang berangan2 and x sabar nak tunggu kul 10 pm kan???aku pun hehhehe tapi En Hazly lagi la...dia yang over lebih dari aku plak.
kat facebook page Adam dan Hawa dah 193,454 LIKED!!setakat ini la. so comment2 nye haaiishhh sgt byk...semua ting tong je ngan AA ni...AA ni memang good looking la, pernah nampak dia live same je rupe dia. Boleh wat caaaaiirr la....tu la wife dia ikat dia bbaiikk punye.
sekarang ni dah episod 55... so ade 25 episod lagi. uuiishh lama tu. tapi lepas episod mlm ni dah scene best2. malam nie mesti semua kaum hawa dan juge segelintir kaum adam haha dah tunggu depan tv sebab episod malam ni ssggttt beessttt....their 1st night after 8 years.
kat facebook page Adam dan Hawa dah 193,454 LIKED!!setakat ini la. so comment2 nye haaiishhh sgt byk...semua ting tong je ngan AA ni...AA ni memang good looking la, pernah nampak dia live same je rupe dia. Boleh wat caaaaiirr la....tu la wife dia ikat dia bbaiikk punye.
sekarang ni dah episod 55... so ade 25 episod lagi. uuiishh lama tu. tapi lepas episod mlm ni dah scene best2. malam nie mesti semua kaum hawa dan juge segelintir kaum adam haha dah tunggu depan tv sebab episod malam ni ssggttt beessttt....their 1st night after 8 years.
Episod 55
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ini episod smalam...merutun jiwa semua..tengok air mata AA bergenang![]() Dan yang bawah ini episod malam nie. Episod 56 ![]() ![]() |
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Aqeel dengan ragamnya
so far Aqeel , hhmmm alhamdulillah. he is actually a talkative boy. mulut dia riuh betull...bercakap je ..BUT baby talk la...tttaaahhh ttaahhhhh mamamamma babbabbababbaa kadang2 dengar dia sebut a word then x de dah..sumtime dia nyanyi2 ade la dgr melody nye.. sekarang ni Aqeel suke buli Abang dia..same2 la buli membuli..bergaduh pun same2.
what a cheeky boy, muka tu dah lah kiut miut pastu jenis yang ade aku kesah?? pakai redah je...kalau dh jatuh, dia bleh wat donno je..kalau x sakit la..kalau sakit pun nangis sekejap je. tapi kalau Tantrum dia datang....hhaa ko berlari ke ujung dunia pun ko boleh dengar dia mengamuk. kalau mengamuk yang jenis hentak2 kaki,guling2 sambil menjerit sambil menggigil. he can do that for 1 hour then dia letih dia tido.
what a cheeky boy, muka tu dah lah kiut miut pastu jenis yang ade aku kesah?? pakai redah je...kalau dh jatuh, dia bleh wat donno je..kalau x sakit la..kalau sakit pun nangis sekejap je. tapi kalau Tantrum dia datang....hhaa ko berlari ke ujung dunia pun ko boleh dengar dia mengamuk. kalau mengamuk yang jenis hentak2 kaki,guling2 sambil menjerit sambil menggigil. he can do that for 1 hour then dia letih dia tido.
Updated on Najlaa
hiii uuuu ooolllss!!
lame nye x berblog...!hahahahhahahaha
Last week my cousin Najlaa dah balik rumah..yyaaahhhoo! Doc HKL suruh balik, actually doc pun x tau what's wrong because all results showed negatuve! means that Najlaa is perfectly FINE! just x tahu kenapa she still can't walk. Kesian dia...besar dugaan dia. i really hope that she is strong, i mean REALLY STRONG. kite same2 ikhtiar ye. Perubatan moden pun buat, lama pun buat jugak ye.
Insyallah you will be recover .
she loose weight quite a lot. we all love u ye adek. adek kena sentiasa ingat yang semua yang terjadi ade hikmah disebaliknye.Allah nak menguji adek sebab Allah sayang kan adek.
my abang sepupu nye anak. sekarang dah nak masuk 4 bulan.
oklah bye
lame nye x berblog...!hahahahhahahaha
Last week my cousin Najlaa dah balik rumah..yyaaahhhoo! Doc HKL suruh balik, actually doc pun x tau what's wrong because all results showed negatuve! means that Najlaa is perfectly FINE! just x tahu kenapa she still can't walk. Kesian dia...besar dugaan dia. i really hope that she is strong, i mean REALLY STRONG. kite same2 ikhtiar ye. Perubatan moden pun buat, lama pun buat jugak ye.
Insyallah you will be recover .
she loose weight quite a lot. we all love u ye adek. adek kena sentiasa ingat yang semua yang terjadi ade hikmah disebaliknye.Allah nak menguji adek sebab Allah sayang kan adek.
my abang sepupu nye anak. sekarang dah nak masuk 4 bulan.
oklah bye
Bila Album Picasa penih...Oh No!
ini lah yang trjadi 2 3 menjak nie...huhuhu
so i ni i dapat dari blog
Mohon share. :)
tq ye Qaseh Honey..
i blum buat lagi , bz with work nanti ade mase senggang i buat ye...
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bile dah sign out emel baru tadi...sign in alamat blog/emel yang terdahulu... |
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terus ke dashboard dan klik SETTINGS |
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klik BASIC dan seterusnya klik + ADD AUTHORS |
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bile dah klik +ADD AUTHORS tadi...sila masukkan alamat emel yang baru dan klik INVITE AUTHORS |
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dah klik INVITE AUTHORS tadi...akan nampak seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam gambar di atas...1 OPEN INVITATIONS...boleh la SIGN OUT |
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step seterusnya...sign in EMEL BARU dan cari emel invitations dari blog terdahulu... |
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klik emel invitation tersebut dah klik link seperti di atas tu... |
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bile klik link tersebut akan keluar page seperti di atas |
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klik semula link tersebut |
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SIGN IN blog terdahulu...terus ke dashboard dan klik SETTINGS |
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step pertama klik BACIS dan akan nampak seperti anak panah di atas...terdapat kedua2 alamat emel di situ |
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pada alamat emel yang baru tersebut...boleh la dibuat pilihan sama ada sebagai ADMIN atau AUTHOR...emel yang lama boleh dikekalkan sebagai ADMIN sebab di situ ade link follower blog kita |
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cuba lihat gambar di atas...dimana storage album picasa masih banyak lagi ruangnya dan boleh mengupload sebanyak mane gambar sehingga sampai limit... |
Jika masalah ini berulang kembali...album picasa pon dah penuh...ulangi langkah di atas semula untuk membuka akaun google yang baru lagi...mengikut kata blog yang QH ikuti stepnye...setiap blog boleh diadekan sehingga 100 AUTHORS...banyak tu...jadi nanti akan banyak la akaun google kita nanti dan ianya menjimatkan...tak perlu lagi untuk menDELETE gambar2 dalam blog...sempat ker kita nak sampai ke angka tersebut...hehehe...lagi satu PERINGATAN...bile dah banyak akaun user untuk blog JANGAN SAMPAI TERLUPA PULA YER PASSWORDNYA!!! PENTING tu...ingatan untuk diri sendiri juga...cara paling senang adalah mengunakan setiap akaun user dengan PASSWORD YANG SAMA...QH buat begitu.
Monday, November 26, 2012
y i X boleh upload picture ek?
it said that i exceeded the 1GB ....ape tu? i need to purchase for extra storage ke?
camane nak buat?
sape bleh tolong?
bbaannnyyaakkk benda i nal cite nie...hhuhuhu
pllssss me..huhuhu

Friday, November 23, 2012
aku tgh kerje nie..tapi termengantuk plak goole la jap..sekali terclick
waahhhh byk school holiday voucher la...and best2 plak tu...
patut lah tangan ni gatal je..rupenye nak keluar duit bukan nye nak duit nak masuk...ishk ishk ishk..nabila..nabila...
i manage to get 2 deals for very very reasonable price. mase nak buat affan's beday aritu aku cari jugak candy buffet tp quite pricey jgk paling murah pun rm250. tah mcm mana aku terclick my deal ni pun aku tak tau tup tup dh ade kat website haaarruusss la check it out kan? tambah tambah nampak RM RM yg murah hehhe.
memula i purchased nie
SWEET TREATS: 57% OFF 3-Tier Chocolate Fountain Party Rental + FREE 3kg Chocolate Dipping + FREE 50pcs x 5 Dipping items + FREE Toppings + FREE Wooden Skewers + FREE Set Up and Pick Up @ Choco Delight for only RM150 instead of RM350!
nie khas untuk sepupu aku..nk kahwin 22 Dec nie so wedding dia ade candy buffet! yyeeahhhh!-aku tolong belikan voucher then K.noori kate nak sponsor. hhehhee save duit save duit. Tq Kak. Li kalau ko x nak candy buffet nie aku naaakkk....utk beday Aqeel january nie. :)
then yang ini
SCHOOL HOLIDAY SPECIAL: From 32% OFF Full Day Admission @ Starship Galactica (1 Utama) for only RM15 instead of RM22 or RM26 for 2 pax instead of RM52!
ni worth it la rm26 for 2 kids.
selalu nye rm 20 or more per kid. so weekend nie En hazly kite ke One Utama yeeah..dahh llammmeee x pergi sana...boleh makan2 kat waffle station .
HAHAHHAHAHA berlanja biar bijak kan?
waahhhh byk school holiday voucher la...and best2 plak tu...
patut lah tangan ni gatal je..rupenye nak keluar duit bukan nye nak duit nak masuk...ishk ishk ishk..nabila..nabila...
i manage to get 2 deals for very very reasonable price. mase nak buat affan's beday aritu aku cari jugak candy buffet tp quite pricey jgk paling murah pun rm250. tah mcm mana aku terclick my deal ni pun aku tak tau tup tup dh ade kat website haaarruusss la check it out kan? tambah tambah nampak RM RM yg murah hehhe.
memula i purchased nie
SWEET TREATS: 57% OFF 3-Tier Chocolate Fountain Party Rental + FREE 3kg Chocolate Dipping + FREE 50pcs x 5 Dipping items + FREE Toppings + FREE Wooden Skewers + FREE Set Up and Pick Up @ Choco Delight for only RM150 instead of RM350!
nie khas untuk sepupu aku..nk kahwin 22 Dec nie so wedding dia ade candy buffet! yyeeahhhh!-aku tolong belikan voucher then K.noori kate nak sponsor. hhehhee save duit save duit. Tq Kak. Li kalau ko x nak candy buffet nie aku naaakkk....utk beday Aqeel january nie. :)
then yang ini
SCHOOL HOLIDAY SPECIAL: From 32% OFF Full Day Admission @ Starship Galactica (1 Utama) for only RM15 instead of RM22 or RM26 for 2 pax instead of RM52!
ni worth it la rm26 for 2 kids.
selalu nye rm 20 or more per kid. so weekend nie En hazly kite ke One Utama yeeah..dahh llammmeee x pergi sana...boleh makan2 kat waffle station .
HAHAHHAHAHA berlanja biar bijak kan?
Breaking Dawn Part 2 :)
Smalam malam pergi tengok Twilight Breaking Dawn P2. it was full house babe!! penuh cinema smalam, sampai parking kat luar2 la. Nak keluar parking pun jammed. i tgk kat Alamanda. Aku kagum la dgn group2 lelaki yang pergi tgk twlilight ni sebab kalau x kena paksa dgn gelprn or bini, takkan ada lelaki nk gi tgk twilight la. hahaha sama mcm En Hazly la. tapi dia pun ala2 jiwang gitu, hati x berapa nak kental la..hahhaha
how was it? it was damn okay! for me la, please don't compare it with the book but overall was okay. Okay only ye...
mase vision Aro nampak vision Alice tu, it was real man!!the fight and their willingness , their enthuism was amazing.
Edward was charming, Bella is gorgeous la bila jadi vampire and Renesmee was cute. Jacob was hot forever la kan.
to me TWILIGHT SAGA was a good novel. sambil baca sambil berangan hahhahaha ala bukan aku je, korang pun same kan?? sekarang aku nak bace novel 50 SHADES OF GREY plak...dulu zaman mude remaja twilight la sekarang dh jadi mak orang, pikiran pun dh kene over matang so kite bace 50 shades trilogy plak. nie pun nak buat movie jugak tapi mesti x best sebab novel ni 18sx banyak hahahhahahhahahaha.
ok tgk lah gambar2 BD P2 nie yang aku cilok dr google, semua in order ye aku sape yg blum tgk bleh agak la jalan citer dia.
reminder ye: kalau ko tetibe baru nak tgk twilight nie,ko takkan faham. so only the fans will get it.
oohh and aku nak tunggu keluar DVD..sebab byk jgk la yg ccut cut..cium cium lebih sikit je potong..ape lah tunggu dvd la,,nk tgk lebih clear.
from Mr Google..
The Plot
"After Bella (Kristen Stewart) nearly died during pregnancy in the last movie, her undead husband, Edward (Robert Pattinson), saved her by piercing her neck, thus at long last making a vampire out of her. Now with newborn Renesmee, baby makes three. Played by what look like digitally altered tots and an actual flesh-and-blood girl (Mackenzie Foy), Renesmee is the nominal centerpiece for the final movie and its reason for being. As half-human, half-vampire, and conceived while Bella was still breathing, Renesmee turns out to be an instant problem child. Not only does she look as creepy as the baby Brad Pitt in "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button," she's sprouting as fast as a magical beanstalk and, worse yet, has attracted the attention of the Volturi, a vampire coven in Italy with papal-like authority. Led by Aro (a fabulous, flamboyant Michael Sheen), the Volturi come to believe that Renesmee is an "immortal child" whose milk teeth will instigate a large-scale calamity." — Manohla Dargis,
The Long Goodbye
"By the time the great vampire showdown finally got started, I was good and done with 'Breaking Dawn - Part 2.' But the big action scene is so campily over the top — with one twist so unforeseeable — that it sent me out on a burst of grudging goodwill. The film's endlessly drawn-out ending, with its multiple spoken and written iterations of the book's last word, 'forever,' over an image of the matte-skinned, cultishly beatific Cullens, may be the scariest moment in the whole pulpy yet vital Twilight series — a teenage girl's fantasy of perfect domestic contentment, frozen in time and doomed to last forever." — Dana Stevens,
The Final Word
" 'Breaking Dawn - Part 2' starts off slow but gathers momentum, and that's because, with Bella and Edward united against the Volturi, the picture has a real threat. It's structured as a classic monster-movie showdown, and when the two are standing with their ragtag rebel team in the Northwest snow, facing Aro and his monk-hooded Volturi army, the film takes off -- into eye-popping violence and spectacle. ...And wait until you get to the twist ending! It's one of the most shocking moments in the series, yet also one of the lightest. It made me realize that, as narratively lumpy as they can be, I like the 'Twilight' films because they're really about the eternal movie romance of vampires at play." — Owen Gleiberman, Entertainment Weekly
how was it? it was damn okay! for me la, please don't compare it with the book but overall was okay. Okay only ye...
mase vision Aro nampak vision Alice tu, it was real man!!the fight and their willingness , their enthuism was amazing.
Edward was charming, Bella is gorgeous la bila jadi vampire and Renesmee was cute. Jacob was hot forever la kan.
to me TWILIGHT SAGA was a good novel. sambil baca sambil berangan hahhahaha ala bukan aku je, korang pun same kan?? sekarang aku nak bace novel 50 SHADES OF GREY plak...dulu zaman mude remaja twilight la sekarang dh jadi mak orang, pikiran pun dh kene over matang so kite bace 50 shades trilogy plak. nie pun nak buat movie jugak tapi mesti x best sebab novel ni 18sx banyak hahahhahahhahahaha.
ok tgk lah gambar2 BD P2 nie yang aku cilok dr google, semua in order ye aku sape yg blum tgk bleh agak la jalan citer dia.
reminder ye: kalau ko tetibe baru nak tgk twilight nie,ko takkan faham. so only the fans will get it.
oohh and aku nak tunggu keluar DVD..sebab byk jgk la yg ccut cut..cium cium lebih sikit je potong..ape lah tunggu dvd la,,nk tgk lebih clear.
from Mr Google..
The Plot
"After Bella (Kristen Stewart) nearly died during pregnancy in the last movie, her undead husband, Edward (Robert Pattinson), saved her by piercing her neck, thus at long last making a vampire out of her. Now with newborn Renesmee, baby makes three. Played by what look like digitally altered tots and an actual flesh-and-blood girl (Mackenzie Foy), Renesmee is the nominal centerpiece for the final movie and its reason for being. As half-human, half-vampire, and conceived while Bella was still breathing, Renesmee turns out to be an instant problem child. Not only does she look as creepy as the baby Brad Pitt in "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button," she's sprouting as fast as a magical beanstalk and, worse yet, has attracted the attention of the Volturi, a vampire coven in Italy with papal-like authority. Led by Aro (a fabulous, flamboyant Michael Sheen), the Volturi come to believe that Renesmee is an "immortal child" whose milk teeth will instigate a large-scale calamity." — Manohla Dargis,
The Long Goodbye
"By the time the great vampire showdown finally got started, I was good and done with 'Breaking Dawn - Part 2.' But the big action scene is so campily over the top — with one twist so unforeseeable — that it sent me out on a burst of grudging goodwill. The film's endlessly drawn-out ending, with its multiple spoken and written iterations of the book's last word, 'forever,' over an image of the matte-skinned, cultishly beatific Cullens, may be the scariest moment in the whole pulpy yet vital Twilight series — a teenage girl's fantasy of perfect domestic contentment, frozen in time and doomed to last forever." — Dana Stevens,
The Final Word
" 'Breaking Dawn - Part 2' starts off slow but gathers momentum, and that's because, with Bella and Edward united against the Volturi, the picture has a real threat. It's structured as a classic monster-movie showdown, and when the two are standing with their ragtag rebel team in the Northwest snow, facing Aro and his monk-hooded Volturi army, the film takes off -- into eye-popping violence and spectacle. ...And wait until you get to the twist ending! It's one of the most shocking moments in the series, yet also one of the lightest. It made me realize that, as narratively lumpy as they can be, I like the 'Twilight' films because they're really about the eternal movie romance of vampires at play." — Owen Gleiberman, Entertainment Weekly
Baru lepas jadi vampire-came back from the hunt. |
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Newborn vampire -they are strong- so Emmet lose. |
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wahh part nie romantic!! |
Renesmee and mom . |
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all the GOOD blood suckers. |
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Werewolf and vampire join forces. |
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they gather all their friends for the 'battle' |
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during the battle. |
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the end- Renesmee and Jacob will be together forever. |
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the last scene...wahhhh best. |
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Aqeel Aqeel
Shibam Aqeel skrg so pandai..especially in gadgets. Physically he is superb just he has difficulty in speech je. but sekarang ade progress la..walaupun belum boleh cakap one word but he develop more syllabus ....sound..before this teh teh teh teh teh je, now dah byk la mamammama bababbaba no no no...kadang dia ade sebut daddy mummy, bunyi macam perkataan tu..tapi dia cakap sekali je lepas tu dia x nak nak dah. kadang2 sedih..budak2 baye dia semua dah boleh constrct words but my shibam..not okay will do the therapy again ye.
aku nak uploa gambar AQEEL tapi x boleh plak...hmmm katenye dah gune maximum og 1GB..nanti lah aku tanye sape yang pakar pasal blogspot ni.
ok ye bye
aku nak uploa gambar AQEEL tapi x boleh plak...hmmm katenye dah gune maximum og 1GB..nanti lah aku tanye sape yang pakar pasal blogspot ni.
ok ye bye
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
x sangka...
salam petang,
arini nie super duper skrg aku tgh ngantuk nie...tgh tgk jam tik tok tik tok nak tunggu balik kul 4pm nie...berat je mata kite tulis2 jap kat sini, bagi segar sikit biji mate nie.
few days back i receive a sms from one of reader..cceewwahhh aku ade reader la..skrg dah jadi kawan kat fb..then smalam malam aku buka email..ede seorang lagi reader, ini nak bertanya pasal my shibam Aqeel. it seems like anak dia pun lebih kurang macam Aqeel gak. so nak berkongsi cerita..insyallah nanti kami akan berjumpa, sebab dia pun duk bangi je.
aku tulis2 ni saje2 je..nak mengisi mase lapang at the same time nak share2 lah knowledge yang ada..heheh nak cari kenalan baru..kawan biar beibu ,berchinta biat satu kan?? betul tak En Hazly??
alhamdulillah pageview statistics kat blog ni ade peningkatan..teruskan lah ye baca blog i..sokongan diperlukan..terima kasih to all yang selalu bace blog yang pernah terbaca ke..thank you so much.
ok lah nak sambung wat keje...
arini nie super duper skrg aku tgh ngantuk nie...tgh tgk jam tik tok tik tok nak tunggu balik kul 4pm nie...berat je mata kite tulis2 jap kat sini, bagi segar sikit biji mate nie.
few days back i receive a sms from one of reader..cceewwahhh aku ade reader la..skrg dah jadi kawan kat fb..then smalam malam aku buka email..ede seorang lagi reader, ini nak bertanya pasal my shibam Aqeel. it seems like anak dia pun lebih kurang macam Aqeel gak. so nak berkongsi cerita..insyallah nanti kami akan berjumpa, sebab dia pun duk bangi je.
aku tulis2 ni saje2 je..nak mengisi mase lapang at the same time nak share2 lah knowledge yang ada..heheh nak cari kenalan baru..kawan biar beibu ,berchinta biat satu kan?? betul tak En Hazly??
alhamdulillah pageview statistics kat blog ni ade peningkatan..teruskan lah ye baca blog i..sokongan diperlukan..terima kasih to all yang selalu bace blog yang pernah terbaca ke..thank you so much.

ok lah nak sambung wat keje...
Monday, November 19, 2012
Alia Najiha...and 5 A's UPSR
Ccconngrrattttssss Aliaaaa..................
ALIA with AINA |
ALIA and NAWAL.. Nawal pun SPM this your best k...! |
Maminana and Alia n Affan |
Alia, Ayesha, Kak Lala and Aina... ayu je semua specially baju merah tu..'kah kah kah" |
x de la gambar Alia anyway tahniah ye alia...
dulu mase kecik2 ..aku lah yg jage dia hehehe.kemana aje aku heret je si alia dating2 la slalu...hahhaa dia pendiam je so mase kecik diam je...ikut je la...mse baby dia sgt tembam..comel je...skrg ni keding je...itam manis orangnye...alia tahu x kak lala sayang alia? ape aku beli or kemana saje aku pergi mesti aku x lupe nak belikan dia...pendek kata macam2 la dia dpt.
walaupun kakak dah ade 2 hero tapi i never forget u..hope u realised that.
to my alia,
tahun depan alia akan melangkah ke alam dewasa, sekolah rendah n menengah lain sangat. so pandai lah pilih kawan. bergaulah berpada-pada. it's okay to be friend to anybody but always think before u do anything. sentiasa berdoa pada Allah untuk berikan petunjuk ye. i always pray the best for u.
kak lala.

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Affan n Aqeel

Affan - 7 months (so cute ...)

Shibam Aqeel- 7 months