Wednesday, July 11, 2012

busy and master.class @ Aeu

this past few weeks was a busy busy super duper laahh.. with the schools.trips,valedictory assembly...wwaahh sampai termimpi-mimpi lah.. semlam lah kemuncak nye..bila boss aku ckp "thank you"to all parents, barulah dalam hati nie ade taman, lleeggaaa... semua kerje dh abis...and this friday is last day of school...then summer break until 10th September!!!!waahhh...then sepanjang ramadhan aku cuti every fiday..n raya seminggu n cuti lagi the day before merdeka...BBEESSTT...
 so aku kena siapkan semua kerje before puas start..insyallah lah..sebab my department nak wat renovation..aku rase building office aku niie baru lagi..then nak wat renovation lagi..ish ish..
takpe lahh sekolah kaya kan??...

then aku busy attend class master lagi...nak di ceritakan...kelas2 tue semua x seperti yang aku sangkakan...tetibe masuk kelas ade wat data analysis ..bukan yang simple2 ye..nie yang 1 soalan wat for 3 hours!! uuwwaaa  aku dh nak nangis dah..harap maklum lahh..bab kira2 nie otak aku sllooww cikit...heheh berpinar je aku terus gi admission office truss aku tukar course..hahahhaa trus amil Master of Education...bende yang aku belajar sebelum nie....nasib baik la pihak U nie ade timbang tara..dapat la aku fee waiver 50%..amin this week aku ade class lagi tapi untuk M.Education la...

Insyallah this time I will do the best! x mo tukar course dah..pray for me kay..!

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Affan n Aqeel

Affan n Aqeel

Affan - 7 months (so cute ...)

Affan - 7 months (so cute ...)

Shibam Aqeel- 7 months

Shibam Aqeel- 7 months