dah 2 tahun Alice Smith International School nie panggil speaker from Pengasih. aku la yang handle hehehehe...last year mase 1st time keje sini then tetiba boss suruh wat research kena panggil mane2 organazations NGO la dtg utk buat talk. Hhmmm berkobar-kobar la kan..google sini google sana.. then teringak Pengasih..kol kol, emel emel n antar surat rasmi...diorang dtg lah...
mostly yg jadi speaker ini ialah ex drug user..so they enroll in Pengasih after they cleaned, they worked there. Actually bila dengar talk diorang nie, really membuka minda. kenapa diorang jadi mcm tu? ape yg jadi mase amik drugs? mcm2 la..
Last year En Jaafar dtg for the presentation but this year he send a young man dtg plak. very cute n good looking guy hahhahahhaha now he worked with Pengasih as Head of Training Division. and he is an ex addict....but he managed to cleaned himself untill now...SALUTE LA! and he juat graduated from Master Degree. Impressive rite? an ex junkie? hard core junkie ye..Proud of you En Hafizi.
so sesiapa yang nak called them for services. boleh lah. i really recomended them. can request for them. i have their handphone number but better call HQ pengasih kan...for formality.

3201, Jalan Syers,
Off Lebuhraya Mahameru,
50480 Bukit Tunku, Kuala Lumpur
3201, Jalan Syers,
Off Lebuhraya Mahameru,
50480 Bukit Tunku, Kuala Lumpur
Telephone :
- +60.3.6201.3179
- +60.3.6201.0287
Fax :
- +60.3.6201.3013
- +60.3.6203.9821
Contact Persons:
- International : Mr. Roslan Yahya
- Local : Mr. Veera Noor
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