On 20th October 2009, a boy was born at 9.50pm via C- Section. The boy named was AFFAN DANISH HADI Bin DZULHAZLY and he just turn 3 on last saturday.
A birthday bash was held at Critterland,The Heritage Seri Kembangan.
tempat ni tersorok sikit and ramai x tau tempat nie...tu pun aku kebetulan wat research google menggoogle skali terkeluar critterland website..so go check it out..terus jatuh cinta with the place..BIG, SPACIOUS and COZY.
so discuss nye discuss.. dapat very good package...so ON buat kat sini.
Eventho 4 digits but its worth it because the place is ours on that day, sebelum ni dah survey Kidzsport but lagi expensive...
Mula2 tu risau gak sebab not many yang bagi RSVP.. biase lah kan org kite nie susah benau nak bagi rsvp..so we all order food utk 100 ppl je...HHHaaKAUU! SEKALI ramai yg datang..reaallyy big crowd...food pun cukup2 je la...n terpaksa tambah lagi la air kotak 2 karton..beli kat kedai kat heritage..but afterall everything went ssmmootthhly.
eeven everybody enjoyed the clown..by Fuyoo MAGIC ..yg kat Astro tu...dia lah yang jd clown. Entertaining laa...berbaloi-baloi la bayar.
Awang 'de Clown 017-3117113.
Critterland , The Heritage
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Critterland. Located at: The Heritage Jalan SB Dagang, 43300 Seri Kembangan, Selangor Darul Ehsan. 03 8941 3311 .
macam nak kawenn je |
the goodies |
the bag |
the cake!!!
from Lynn's cake Bangi |
the ulat bulu toy |
the decoration |
the foods |
all these pictures are the preparation...the theme was Toy Story...so memula tu aku gi survey Toyrus..mahal nak mam.. laa...so reject toyrus...
so gi survey kat Kajang, uptown bangi..nak cari sticker pun susah...hmm hampeh..
so pergi lag Plaza GM...CHOW KIT ye..
hhhaaa koooo! giler kejap...! u name it la! ape saje! semua ade....
sampai over budget la...tapi worth it lah..coz murah...
Dapat jam Buzz Lightyear, botol air toy story, party pack toy story AND dapat toy ulat bulu...
all kena beli borong..so dapat harga borong la..
then beli goodies semua kat area situ...murahh...tapi ko kena pandai cari lah...kena survey semua kedai laa... nasib baik aku , mama, and aunty aku je pergi and my niece pompuan umur 2 tahun lebih. girl kan soo baikk...so x yah lah bawa anak2 kecik yg melasak...nanti ko je yg angin...tempat sempit..then kedai rapat2 je ...so better pergi sendiri ye..
ok nanti aku wat lain enty plak...