Smalam buat hering test Aqeel, memula tu blur gak macam mana la proses nye. Sampai SDMC kul 1.30pm straight pergi Diagnoctic Department, register and tunggu sekejap je dalam 10 minutes kot,lepas tu diorang dh panggil name Aqeel..straight masuk ...our Audiolagist nama dia Puan Dalilah. very nice lady. then interview jap pastu masuk bilim kecil dlm tu ade speaker and some toys.
Sound Room |
at first tue Aqeel nangis maybe sebab dia trauma tgk diorang pakai baju putih, so he thought nak injection kot. Few minutes pas tu, dia ok je..main-main lah blocks sambil tu Puan Dalilah pasang sound ..nak tengok dia alert x? sound tu tuuuuttttt je tapi kejap kuat kejap perlahan lah..Aqeel ok je, sambil tu dia bantai buat kuih dlm tu..sambil main sambil meneran..hahahha...everytime sound tu keluar dia toleh ke speaker, his alert la. hanya dia terlampau distract dgn blocks tu...sambil main sambil tu dia perasan ooo ade bunyi lah..kena toleh nie.. macam u lah..lebih kurang.
then after the sound room they sedate him with ubat tido...hmm it took Aqeel about half an hour to zzzzzz.... tolak je la dia dalam stroller. dia tido je trus masuk neurology lab, baring kat dia then Pn Dalilah pasang kat kepala dia all those wire monitor his brain.
Aku pun tak paham macam mana diorang tengok graph tue.. the test took about 1 hour la..tapi nak pasang wire2 tu pun dah setengah jam kot..kejap2 Aqeel gerak kejap2 dia tepis tangan org tue..sensetip betul. keluar dr situ dalam kul 5pm. Half day gone.
then report keluar..alhamdulillah everything was fine! he is not deaf and dumb! it just we dun know y he dun want to respon when we call him...dia buat dunno je. hhhaaiishhh AQEEL..AQEEL...
lepas tu bagilah dia habuan cikit..Reinforcement ..
Watermelon!!! |
Tomorrow nak wat speech therapy plak...every week berkali2 lah ulang-alik ke SDMC. the hearing test quite expensive jugak..smalam bil was RM 391. huhuhuhu..Demi mu sayang, we sanggup bekorban!! just sehat je lah...and pls response!
Occupational n Speech therapy kena teruskan..nanti appt dgn Dr Sofiah on 19 Oct baru kite tahu progress nye...Insyallah EVERYTHING will be okay!