Wednesday, July 7, 2010

nothing much

x de ape la nak di cerite kan, same old story itu laa not much different
but for the past last week, i accidently found a blog that toched my heart , if u have time read it. it's about her daughter who passed away in june 2010, she had very very rare sickness.
i always pray for the strong... ade hikmah disebalik setiap kejadian.

this month my baby boo is 9 months...still gigi x tumbuh lagi...ish ish... sekarang dh pandai marah...geram...very cute la ...miss him actually....everyday daddy will mms his pictures...
i really hope that my baby will know that his mummy keje jauh jauh becoz of him...rezki mummy kat sini...mummy kene kuat kan..always think positive.. with the new baby (soon, c u in feb 2011) i need to be strong, positive thinks ahead n just do my work...pray for my us...hehe

TTFN ..will update soon..

Affan n Aqeel

Affan n Aqeel

Affan - 7 months (so cute ...)

Affan - 7 months (so cute ...)

Shibam Aqeel- 7 months

Shibam Aqeel- 7 months