after deliver my shibam in january 2011,my weight was like hmmmm 72kg hahhaha then turun 68kg mase dalam confinement, so after months of months n dah lah x keje ni kan..duk umah jage anak sementara nak cari maid or babysitter ,my aunt introduce me to this product that she uses and is a very goood product....have u heard of LITCHIN by DE BELLA? baru2 ni masuk buletin utama...try google it maybe on you tube..
so diam x diam i tried the product for 10 days and i loose 2kg,to me is thumbs up!!for me yg x pernah excercise,never do anything physical activity beside with my hubby hahahahhaahhahahahahahhaahahaha ckit je tu. so is reeaaally good.... now all my family have try it and they r loosing their i pun signed up for member and jadi stokis.
penyanyi AISHAH minum ni la yg jadi kurus ... so cara-caranye ialah:
1 set - 1 box enzim ( 20 sachet) RM145
* minum pagi 1 jam sebelum sarapan pagi
1 box fiber (20 sachet) RM145
* minum malam sebelum tidur
Total: RM290
INI CARA BIASE ,if berat badan yg tak terlalu berat. so boleh BUAT dgn care ini.
if berat badan berlebihan i mean over 65kg...u need to do this way for a month or sampai dapat berat yg ideal.
1 set - 2 box enzim (40 sachet) RM 290
* minum pagi 1 jam sebelum sarapan pagi dan 1 jam sebelum sebelum mkn malam
1 box fiber (20 sachet) RM 145
* minum malam sebelum tidur
TOTAL :RM435 mahal ckit la tapi if u nak compare dgn herbalife ,jusmate , i rase lebih kurang je and lagi mahal kot sebab i pernah try herbalife and its not working for me,i drank that and i keep on putting on weight...but this litchin product is effective.!!!!
if u want to try or buy or nak re-stock ...u can reach me at:
017-8797244 -nabila
0r add me at facebook Nabila Aridzuan
TTFN TA TA FOR NOW......TRY LA harm in trying even org lepas bersalin and tgh susu kan anak pun sesuai minum. (after 1 month pantang).